Welcome to Discovery Children’s Academy. We are glad to have you and your child be a part of our Center. We know that your choice of early childhood programs is one of the most important decisions you will make for your child.
We are dedicated to giving your child the best quality care possible. We believe that each child is unique and deserves to be accepted as such. We aim to provide a warm, relaxed, “extended family” atmosphere, focusing on each child’s cognitive, social, and emotional, language, and physical development.
We are committed to you, the adults of the community. Our task is to support you in your efforts as you pursue your goals as a parent. The “extended family” concept can provide a framework for all of us lending support, encouragement, and assistance in dealing with the daily functions of parenting.
Discovery Children’s Academy offers a nurturing and educationally stimulating program. All children will be involved with music, art, gym, stories and activities involving shapes, colors, counting, etc. Children in the Center have the opportunity to participate in cooking activities, solve puzzles, build with blocks, and enjoy a variety of other activities. A major emphasis is placed on cooperation, turn taking, and problem solving. A supervised homework time is provided for the school age children.
Our children, families, and staff are indeed our most valuable resources! We welcome your questions and suggestions and hope you will share yourselves and your talents with us. We look forward to knowing you and your child, and together making Discovery Children’s Academy a rewarding place to be.
Kyle & Renay McAfee, Executive Officers
While you going about the responsibilities of your daily lives, to provide for your children, rest assured that we are doing everything we can to provide a safe environment for your children. All of our staff members stay current with their CPR certifications (including infant response) and we continually update and implement our safety procedures to best suit the well being of the children within our care.
Children learn in an assortment of ways to expand their intellectual and emotional framework. As our mantra states, it is our philosophy for our center to express a positive view of the world to each child they teach. We accomplish this through a variety of opportunities through structured learning and play. However, the overall focus is on the child’s individual needs and what they are learning and how they are progressing within the context of their individual personalities.
The over arching goal of our center is to work with parents to guide children, in hope of having well adjusted, and productive members of their individual families. In that, parents will raise children who enthusiastically pass on their family heritage to the next generation.